If you don't have excellent persuasion skills, you're losing out on many vital aspects of your life (that includes your wealth, career, relationships, social and love life).
Those who wittingly use the power and psychology of persuasion will always have a dominant edge over those who don't. Can you afford being outdone or outsmarted by others?
The media have been applying proven mind control techniques, subliminal persuasion, and conversational hypnosis on you; and you may not even be aware of it. They're willing to spend millions of dollars in advertising costs because they know this stuff works.
Some advertisers may even be using unethical mind control tricks to manipulate you, so please be careful and protect yourself by having the right knowledge. Don't worry - I'll tell you what you need to know so you can stay safe and secure.
If you're not taking advantage of the power of persuasion and influence in your daily interaction with people, you'll have a very tough time fulfilling almost anything!
But if you master the art of persuasion and know how to persuade someone instantly, everything that involves interacting or dealing with people becomes as easy as pie.
Take a few seconds to imagine this...
Right now... you're the top salesperson or employee... you're getting huge paychecks... you have magnetic charisma... you have the super ability to make friends and get along with anyone... you have the unstoppable confidence to persuade anyone to do anything you want... incredible feeling, isn't it?
Now what if I told you that your much-coveted dreams can finally become answered prayers, would you listen to every word I'm about to tell you?
Whether it's earning more money, excelling in your career or business, captivating the opposite sex, building happy relationships with anyone, or influencing others to accept your ideas, becoming skilled in the psychology of persuasion and influence is critical to your success.
Can persuasion really give you so much power and potential? If you're still in doubt, please read all the vital facts in this website before you jump to any conclusion. I guarantee you... your life, as you know it right now, will never be the same.
In this page, you'll also discover some amazing persuasion techniques you can use immediately. Most people would charge for this kind of great information in their persuasion training, but I'm giving it to you for free.
Before you go on, please briefly jot down the top 3 things that you really want others to do for you. Examples: I want to double my customer list within 30 days, I want to be close friends with everyone at this university, I want Kris to be my girlfriend (or boyfriend), etc. Don't be shy; you're in full control of your destiny.
Done writing? Congratulations for being committed to your success! By writing them down, you have subconsciously programmed yourself to push through with what you want.
Persuasion Tip: You can better persuade people to stay committed with their promises by asking them to write down what they said. You'll get even best results if other people have seen or heard the commitment. Are you beginning to realize how powerful these persuasion techniques are?
By discovering the subliminal art of persuasion and tapping into its mind-altering power, you can influence anyone to accelerate your own success... and make them think they're getting the better end of the deal (while at the same time making them think they're in total control!).
The covert persuasion methods and mind control tricks you're about to discover are so powerful you might think there's some sort of dark secret or black magic involved, but I swear it's legal and
ethical. It's based on sound scientific research and studies.
I may touch on some underhanded or manipulative methods from time to time; but this knowledge should be used only to make you aware of such practices, so you can protect yourself from people who are using them against you.
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